CO2 ChemistryCO2 MineralizationCarbon dioxide (CO2) can react with certain minerals, and by so doing, CO2 gets removed from the atmosphere and permanently stored in the mineral substrate.Although the carbon mineralization process occurs naturally over hundreds or even...
Polymer Modification
Styrenic Block CopolymersStyrenic block copolymers (SBCs) are made by styrene and butadiene linked homopolymer blocks. They belong to the class of thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) where elastic and thermoplastic behaviour are joined together in the same...
Specialty Chemicals
Traveling through chemistry is a fascinating adventure into markets, products, applications and peoples lives.Whether you are a chemist, an engineer, or just a curious learner, you can spend hours discussing and deliberating the appropriate segmentation as well as the...
Non-Ionic SurfactantsIn 1992, we commissioned the first BUSS-Loop® Reactor for the production of non-ionic surfactants in Germany. Since then, a significant portion of the world's non-ionic surfactants are produced with BUSS ChemTech Alkoxylation Technology. Over...
Client builds 2nd, larger plant based on BUSS-Loop® Reactor Technology
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Customer replaces BUSS-Loop® Reactor…after 40 years of operation!
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Building on our 35 years of experience delivering technology and equipment for the safe and economical production of phosgene, BUSS ChemTech has developed technology for downstream phosgenation reactions.BUSS ChemTech's Advanced Phosgenation Reactor (APR) sets new...
Phosgene Generators from BUSS ChemTech operate reliably – even with frequent daily starts and stops – and are robust enough to operate continuously for up to a year.Our robust design requires minimal maintance. And many of our generators have been in operation for...