Lithium Hexa- fluorophosphate
Joyful friends having a dinner party during the night on a terrace.

BUSS ChemTech offers its state-of-the-art lithium-ion battery (LIB) electrolyte salt lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6) manufacturing process technology for the LIB supply chain.

We have upgraded the LiPF6 process technology of Chenco Chemical Engineering and Consulting GmbH to the contemporary needs of the LIB market. The first plant built with this technology has been in commercial operation for more than fifteen years.

Our upgraded technology offers the following advantages:

  • High quality product suitable for all LIB applications
  • Production of LiF within the plant
  • Optimized CapEx and Opex

Thanks to BUSS ChemTech’s extensive experience in processing and handling of various hazardous and explosive chemicals, our technology also promises a robust design with enhanced process safety.

Our process uses the following raw materials:

  • Lithium Carbonate – Li2CO3 (or Lithium Hydroxide)
  • Anhydrous Hydrofluoric Acid – AHF
  • Phosphorus Pentachloride – PCl5 (other options are also available)

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Emre Sen

Business Manager Fluorine Technology

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