Joyful friends having a dinner party during the night on a terrace.

Phosgene Generators from BUSS ChemTech operate reliably – even with frequent daily starts and stops – and are robust enough to operate continuously for up to a year.

Our robust design requires minimal maintance. And many of our generators have been in operation for several decades, only taken out of service for automation system upgrades!

BUSS ChemTech phosgene generators are known for the following features and characteristics:

  • Microprocessor auto feedback control
  • Automatic control between 10 and 100% of rated capacity
  • In-line product analysis for quality (and safety) assurance
  • Comprehensive validation procedures to ensure quality
  • Auto-control of start-up and shut-down operations
  • Low CO excess (ca. 2 vol-%)
  • Superb phosgene product quality
  • <50 wt-ppm residual Cl2
  • 20 to 80 wt-ppm CCl4 (depending on catalyst used)

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Gianluca Premoli

Business Manager Reaction Technology

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Phosgene Generator

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